Graduate Exams: Qualification, Preliminary, and Final

Qualifying Exams & Examiners


Lead Examiner C. Leal,
Co-examiner H. Wang

Ceramics Processing

Lead Examiner T. Kriven,
Co-examiner D. Shoemaker

Computational / Simulation Methods in Materials Science

Lead Examiner D. Trinkle,
Co-examiner A. Schleife

Electron Microscopy and Scattering

Lead Examiner J. Zuo,
Co-examiner P. Huang



Lead Examiner N. Perry
Co-examiner Y. Zhang


Electronic Materials Processing

Lead Examiner Q. Cao,
Co-examiner A. Hoffman

Macromolecular Solids

Lead Examiner N. Sottos,
Co-examiner C. Schroeder

Optical Properties of Materials

Lead Examiner M. Shim,
Co-examiner Q. Cao

Physical Metallurgy

Lead Examiner P. Bellon,
Co-examiner M. Charpagne

Polymer Physics

Lead Examiner A. Statt,
Co-examiner K. Schweizer

Polymer Synthesis

Lead Examiner C. Evans,
Co-examiner C. Schroeder

Solid State Physics

Lead Examiner A. Schleife,
Co-examiner R. Averback / D. Cahill

*Please contact Graduate Programs Office for current examiners.

Surfaces and Colloids

Lead Examiner Q. Chen / P. Braun 
Co-examiner R. Espinosa Marzal

*Please contact Graduate Programs Office for current examiners.


One topic only, may be chosen from list of prior exams below or any other topic. DGS approval required.

Atomic Processes on Surfaces, Composites, Crystal Physics and Structure, Defects in Crystals, Dielectric Properties of Materials, Dynamics of Macromolecular Fluids, Mechanical Properties, Plastics Engineering, Solid State Transformations, Tribology of Materials, X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering

MatSE Graduate Programs Office

Graduate Programs Office
106 MSEB
1304 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Ashley Phillips Smith
Assistant Director of Graduate Programs 
1304 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801
P: (217) 300-6668

Katie M. Burke
Graduate Programs Coordinator
1304 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801
P: (217) 244-1379