
Past Newsletter Issues

Winter 2017 - Wear-resistant metals and of-the-moment findings in materials research
Summer 2016 - Using extreme environments to make materials resilient
Winter 2015 - Dynamics of amorphous materials
Summer 2015 - Dynamic polyurea: a new class of self-healing materials
Winter 2014 - Materials for glucose-monitoring
Summer 2014 - Student startup to close gender gap in STEM
Winter 2013 - Self-organization at the nanoscale
Summer 2013 - Ferroelectric thin films' new and improved properties may lead to advances in thermal sensing
Winter 2012 - Dissolvable Electronics: High-performance electronic materials that disappear over time
Summer 2012 - Researchers develop effective means for ridding water of perchlorate
Winter 2011 - Pen-on-paper Electronics
Summer 2011 - Superbatteries: Nanomaterials enable fast charging and high power
Winter 2010 - Flexible sensor technology could redefine surgical electronics
Summer 2010 - Long polymer chains dance the conga
Winter 2009 - New Cancer Drug Delivery Systems
Summer 2009 - Self-healing greatly extends the life of paints and coatings
Fall 2008 - Advances lead to better drinking water for all
Spring 2008 - Sustainable energy at forefront of materials science research
Summer 2007 - Plastic deformation in metallic alloys
Winter 2006 - Developing new antimicrobial materials, celebrating alumni and student achievements
Summer 2006 - Creating biologically friendly capsule delivery vehicles
Winter 2005 - New diffraction techniques improve sensitivity to small structures
Summer 2005 - Materials Computation Center
Fall 2004 - Direct-write assembly of 3-D structures
Spring 2004 - Controlling material structure at nanoscale
Fall 2003 - New faculty involved in nanoscale research
Summer 2003 - Alumnus recognized for Afghan relief effort
Fall 2002 - New science and technology center for water purification


Metallurgy & Mining Newsletter

Fall 1948 Spring 1950 Jan. 1960 Jan. 1970 Jan. 1980
Spring 1949 Fall 1950 Jan. 1961 Jan. 1971 Jan. 1981
Fall 1949 Spring 1951 Jan. 1962 Jan. 1972 Jan. 1982
  Fall 1951 Jan. 1963 Jan. 1973 Jan. 1983
  Spring 1952 Jan. 1964 Jan. 1974 Feb. 1984
  Fall 1952 Jan. 1965 Jan. 1975 Mar. 1985
  Spring 1953 Jan. 1966 Feb. 1976 Feb. 1986
  Dec. 1954 Jan. 1967 Feb. 1977 Mar. 1988
  Jan. 1957 Jan. 1968 Feb. 1978 Mar. 1989
  Jan. 1958 Jan. 1969 Feb. 1979  
  Jan. 1959      

The Illini Ceramist

April 1, 1941