CHBE 594

CHBE 594 - Advanced Polymer Chemistry

Fall 2024

Computational ToolsCHBE412A78121LEC31100 - 1220 T R  329 Davenport Hall 
Electrochemical EngineeringCHBE453TS61154LEC30930 - 1050 T R  158 Loomis Laboratory Theresa Schoetz
- Harini Srikant
Fu Wu
BiotransportCHBE476HJK61156LEC31100 - 1220 T R  1024 Chemistry Annex Joon Kong
Deborah Zhang
Joo Hun Lee
MNG I - Leadership Skills AppCHBE594B31571LEC1 -    Jim Morris
MNG I - Leadership Skills AppCHBE594C49475ONL1 -    Jim Morris
Advanced Polymer ChemistryCHBE594DG79725LEC41100 - 1150 M W F  127 English Building Damien S Guironnet
Michael Taleff
Data Science for Chem & EngCHBE594DS77152LEC41500 - 1620 T R  147 Armory Diwakar Shukla
Song Yin
BiotransportCHBE594HJK71538L341100 - 1220 T R  1024 Chemistry Annex Joon Kong
Deborah Zhang
Joo Hun Lee
Computational ToolsCHBE594RGM31609L341100 - 1220 T R  329 Davenport Hall Ryan Mullen
Electrochemical EngineeringCHBE594TS46151L440930 - 1050 T R  158 Loomis Laboratory Theresa Schoetz
- Harini Srikant
Fu Wu

Official Description

Various advanced topics; generally taken during the second year of graduate study. Typical topics include turbulence, hydrodynamic instability, process dynamics, interfacial phenomena, reactor design, cellular bioengineering, properties of matter at high pressure, and phase transitions. Course Information: May be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Subject Area

  • Polymers Soft Materials