Alumni Association
MatSE's alumni association aims to foster the advancement of the department, The Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois and its alumni association. Active membership is open to all alumni of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. All past officers of the alumni association may serve as ex-officio members of the board. The head of the department is also tendered this privilege. Meetings are held on-campus twice a year, in the fall and spring.
Alumni Board
Candidates for the MatSE Alumni Board are nominated by the Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors and presented for approval and election by the members present at the annual meeting. Each member of the board serves a four-year term. Board members may be reelected to a maximum of eight years.
- President, Matt Frey
- Vice President, Talen Sehgal
- Matthew Frey (’92 B.S., ’96 Ph.D.), 3M
- Eileen Joyce De Guire (’81 B.S., ’82 M.S.) American Ceramic Society
- Christopher Hansen (’05 B.S., ’11 Ph.D.)University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Katie Morton (’14 B.S.), PepsiCo
- Dominic Bonucci (’14 B.S.), Exxon Mobil
- Shannon Murray (Ph.D) Sandia National Laboratory
- Adam Stevensen (’03 B.S.), Saint Gobain
- Gerald Wilson (Ph.D) Autonomous Materials
- Michael Lanagan (’82 B.S.), Penn State University
- Talen Sehgal (’20 B.S.), Chevron
- Glenn Glass (’99 Ph.D.), Intel Corporation
- Corissa Lee (’13 Ph.D.), Exponent
- Piyush Thakre, Dow Chemical
- James Burk (‘73 B.S., ’74 M.S., ‘78 Ph.D.), B.P. Exploration
- Ray Capek ('58 B.S., '59 M.S., ’61 Ph.D.), Candescent (retired)
- Charles Connors ('60 B.S.), Magneco Metrel Inc.
- Russ Duttweiler (‘60 B.S.), R&D Consulting
- Martin Kopchak (’73 B.S., ‘76 M.S.), Caterpillar
- Ken Kuna '68 B.S., '69 M.S.), University of Detroit Mercy
- Keith Meyer ('80 B.S.), Boeing
- Doug Ruhmann (’64 B.S.), Boeing (retired)
- David Teter ('90 B.S., ’96 Ph.D.), Los Alamos National Lab
- Sheryl Tipton ('80 B.S.), Caterpillar (retired)
- Britt Turkot, '90 B.S., '92 M.S., '96 Ph.D.), Intel
Become a Board Member
Are you interested in becoming a board member of MatSE's Alumni Association? Contact Reid Lasley, MatSE's engagement coordinator, for more information about serving this tight-knit family.