
Number Title Prerequisites
BIOE 479 Cancer Nanotechnology Credit in BIOE 206
Credit in CHEM 232
BIOE 487 Stem Cell Bioengineering
CEE 433 Water Technology and Policy Credit in CEE 340 or CEE 350 Website
CEE 592 Sustainable Urban Systems
CHBE 594 Biochemical Engineering
CHEM 436 Fundamental Organic Chem II Credit in CHEM 236
Credit in CHEM 237
CHEM 472 Physical Biochemistry
CHEM 483 Solid State Structural Anlys
CHEM 516 Physical Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 524 Electrochemical Methods
CHEM 530 Structure and Spectroscopy
CHEM 588 Physical Methods Mat Chem
CS 412 Introduction to Data Mining Website
CS 441 Applied Machine Learning Credit in CS 225
Credit in CS 361
CS 446 Machine Learning Credit in CS 225
Credit or concurrent registration in Arms 406 or bioe 210 or Math 225 or Math 257 or Math 415 or Math 416
Credit or concurrent registration in CS 361 or Ece 313 or Math 461 or stat 400
CS 450 Numerical Analysis Credit in CS 101 or CS 125
Credit in CS 357 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 285
CSE 566 Numerical Fluid Dynamics
ECE 441 Physcs & Modeling Semicond Dev Credit in ECE 340
ECE 443 LEDs and Solar Cells Credit in ECE 340 Website
ECE 444 IC Device Theory & Fabrication Credit in ECE 340
ECE 457 Microwave Devices & Circuits Credit in ECE 340
Credit in ECE 350
ECE 481 Nanotechnology Credit in CHBE 457 or CHEM 442 or ME 485 or MSE 401 or PHYS 460
ECE 538 2D Material Electr & Photonics Credit in ECE 340
ENG 471 Seminar Energy & Sustain Engrg
ENG 571 Theory Energy & Sustain Engrg
MCB 442 Comparative Immunobiology
MCB 450 Introductory Biochemistry Credit in CHEM 232 or CHEM 236
ME 400 Energy Conversion Systems Credit in ME 200 or ME 300
ME 471 Finite Element Analysis Credit in AE 370 or ME 371 or TAM 470 Website
MSE 183 Introductory MatSE Laboratory Credit in MSE 182 Website
MSE 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
MSE 206 Mechanics for MatSE Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 225 or MATH 257 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 241
Credit in PHYS 211
Credit or concurrent registration in CS 101 or CS 124 or CS 125
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 201
MSE 280 Engineering Materials Credit in CHEM 102
Credit in PHYS 211
MSE 304 Electronic Properties of Matls Credit in PHYS 214 Website
MSE 308 Materials Laboratory II Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 307
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 406
MSE 396 Introduction to Research
MSE 402 Kinetic Processes in Materials Credit in MSE 201
Credit in MSE 401
MSE 404 Laboratory Studies in Materials Science and Engineering Credit in MSE 307
Credit in MSE 308
MSE 404 ELA Modeling Elasticity Website
MSE 405 Microstructure Determination Credit in MSE 201
Credit in PHYS 214
Credit in MATH 285
MSE 420 Ceramic Materials & Properties
MSE 422 Electrical Ceramics Website
MSE 441 Metals Processing
MSE 450 Polymer Science & Engineering
MSE 455 Macromolecular Solids
MSE 456 Mechanics of Composites Website
MSE 458 Polymer Physics Website
MSE 460 Electronic Materials I Credit in ECE 340
Credit in MSE 304
MSE 466 Electrochem Energy Conversion
MSE 473 Biomolecular Materials Science
MSE 474 Biomaterials and Nanomedicine
MSE 487 Materials for Nanotechnology Website
MSE 492 Lab Safety Fundamentals Website
MSE 495 Materials Design Website
MSE 498 Modern Methods in Mat'ls Chara Website
MSE 498 MAS Modern Methods in Mat'ls Chara Website
MSE 529 Hard Materials Seminar
MSE 552 Mass & Ion Transport in Polyme
MSE 559 Soft Materials Seminar Website
MSE 580 Diffraction Physics of Matls Website
MSE 583 Dynamics of Complex Fluids
MSE 590 Research Seminars Website
MSE 590 DMS Digi-Mat Prof. Dev. Seminar
MSE 595 Materials Colloquium
MSE 598 Intro to Digital Materials
MSE 598 DM Intro to Digital Materials Website
NPRE 470 Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Sources Website
NPRE 475 Wind Power Systems Website
NPRE 480 Energy and Security
NPRE 531 Nuclear Materials
PHYS 460 Condensed Matter Physics Website
PHYS 560 Condensed Matter Physics I Website
STAT 447 Data Science Prog Methods
TAM 534 Non-Newt Fl Mech & Rheol
TAM 552 Solid Mechanics II
TAM 561 Mechanics & Thermo of Soft Mat Website
Number Title Prerequisites
ABE 436 Renewable Energy Systems Credit in PHYS 211
ABE 488 Bioprocessing Biomass for Fuel Website
BIOE 476 Tissue Engineering Credit in MCB 150
Credit in BIOE 206
BIOP 401 Introduction to Biophysics
CEE 433 Water Technology and Policy Credit in CEE 340 or CEE 350 Website
CEE 493 Sustainable Design Eng Tech Credit in CEE 340
CHBE 453 Electrochemical Engineering
CHBE 594 Advanced Polymer Chemistry
CHEM 534 Advanced Organic Synthesis
CHEM 584 Introduction to Materials Chem
CS 412 Introduction to Data Mining Website
CS 441 Applied Machine Learning Credit in CS 225
Credit in CS 361
CS 446 Machine Learning Credit in CS 225
Credit or concurrent registration in Arms 406 or bioe 210 or Math 225 or Math 257 or Math 415 or Math 416
Credit or concurrent registration in CS 361 or Ece 313 or Math 461 or stat 400
CS 450 Numerical Analysis Credit in CS 101 or CS 125
Credit in CS 357 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 285
ECE 444 IC Device Theory & Fabrication Credit in ECE 340
ECE 464 Power Electronics Credit in ECE 342
ECE 518 Adv Semiconductor Nanotech
ECE 535 Theory of Semicond & Devices Credit in ECE 340
Credit in PHYS 486
ENG 471 Seminar Energy & Sustain Engrg
ENG 571 Theory Energy & Sustain Engrg
MCB 401 Cellular Physiology
MCB 450 Introductory Biochemistry Credit in CHEM 232 or CHEM 236
ME 471 Finite Element Analysis Credit in AE 370 or ME 371 or TAM 470 Website
MSE 101 Materials in Today's World
MSE 182 Introduction to MatSE
MSE 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
MSE 201 Phases and Phase Relations Credit in MSE 182
Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 104
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 231
Credit or concurrent registration in PHYS 211
MSE 280 Engineering Materials Credit in CHEM 102
Credit in PHYS 211
MSE 307 Materials Laboratory I Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 401
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 201
MSE 396 Introduction to Research
MSE 401 Thermodynamics of Materials Credit in MSE 201 or MSE 280
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285
MSE 403 Synthesis of Materials Credit in MSE 201
Concurrent registration in MSE 401
MSE 404 Laboratory Studies in Materials Science and Engineering Credit in MSE 307
Credit in MSE 308
MSE 404 CP Ceramic Processing
MSE 404 MAC Computational MSE- Macroscale
MSE 404 MIC Computational MSE- Microscale
MSE 404 PC1 Polymer Characterization
MSE 404 PS1 Polymer Synthesis
MSE 406 Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 401
Credit in MSE 206
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 201
MSE 421 Ceramic Processing Credit in MSE 420
MSE 440 Mechanical Behavior of Metals Credit in MSE 406
MSE 443 Design of Engineering Alloys Credit in MSE 401
Credit in MSE 402
MSE 457 Polymer Chemistry
MSE 461 Electronic Materials II
MSE 464 Magnetic Mat'ls & Applications
MSE 470 Design and Use of Biomaterials Credit or concurrent registration in MCB 252
Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 232 or MSE 403
MSE 480 Surfaces and Colloids
MSE 489 Matl Select for Sustainability
MSE 492 Lab Safety Fundamentals
MSE 494 Materials Design Thinking
MSE 500 Statistical Thermodyn of Matls
MSE 501 Kinetic Processes in Materials Website
MSE 529 Hard Materials Seminar
MSE 559 Soft Materials Seminar Website
MSE 584 Point and Line Defects
MSE 590 Research Seminars Website
MSE 590 DMS Digi-Mat Prof. Dev. Seminar
MSE 595 Materials Colloquium
MSE 598 NanoEng in Complex Soft Matls
NPRE 457 Safety Anlys Nucl Reactor Syst
NPRE 501 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engrg
SE 412 Nondestructive Evaluation
STAT 447 Data Science Prog Methods
TAM 470 Computational Mechanics Credit in CS 101 or CS 125
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 286 or MATH 441
TAM 551 Solid Mechanics I
Number Title Prerequisites
ABE 436 Renewable Energy Systems Credit in PHYS 211
ABE 488 Bioprocessing Biomass for Fuel Website
BIOE 476 Tissue Engineering Credit in MCB 150
Credit in BIOE 206
BIOE 479 Cancer Nanotechnology Credit in BIOE 206
Credit in CHEM 232
BIOE 487 Stem Cell Bioengineering
BIOE 532 Pharma II
BIOP 401 Introduction to Biophysics
CEE 424 Sustainable Const Methods
CEE 433 Water Technology and Policy Credit in CEE 340 or CEE 350 Website
CEE 493 Sustainable Design Eng Tech Credit in CEE 340
CEE 592 Sustainable Urban Systems
CHBE 453 Electrochemical Engineering
CHBE 472 Techniques in Biomolecular Eng
CHBE 478 Bioenergy Technology
CHBE 594 Special Topics
CHEM 436 Fundamental Organic Chem II Credit in CHEM 236
Credit in CHEM 237
CHEM 460 Green Chemistry
CHEM 483 Solid State Structural Anlys
CHEM 516 Physical Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 524 Electrochemical Methods
CHEM 530 Structure and Spectroscopy
CHEM 534 Advanced Organic Synthesis
CHEM 584 Introduction to Materials Chem
CHEM 588 Physical Methods Mat Chem
CHEM 590 C Special Topics in Chemistry
CS 412 Introduction to Data Mining Website
CS 441 Applied Machine Learning Credit in CS 225
Credit in CS 361
CS 446 Machine Learning Credit in CS 225
Credit or concurrent registration in Arms 406 or bioe 210 or Math 225 or Math 257 or Math 415 or Math 416
Credit or concurrent registration in CS 361 or Ece 313 or Math 461 or stat 400
CS 450 Numerical Analysis Credit in CS 101 or CS 125
Credit in CS 357 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 285
ECE 441 Physcs & Modeling Semicond Dev Credit in ECE 340
ECE 443 LEDs and Solar Cells Credit in ECE 340 Website
ECE 444 IC Device Theory & Fabrication Credit in ECE 340
ECE 457 Microwave Devices & Circuits Credit in ECE 340
Credit in ECE 350
ECE 464 Power Electronics Credit in ECE 342
ECE 481 Nanotechnology Credit in CHBE 457 or CHEM 442 or ME 485 or MSE 401 or PHYS 460
ECE 487 Intro Quantum Electr for EEs Credit in PHYS 485
ECE 488 Compound Semicond & Devices Credit in ECE 340
Credit in ECE 350
ECE 518 Adv Semiconductor Nanotech
ECE 535 Theory of Semicond & Devices Credit in ECE 340
Credit in PHYS 486
ECE 536 Integ Optics & Optoelectronics Credit in ECE 455 or ECE 487 or PHYS 486
ECE 538 2D Material Electr & Photonics Credit in ECE 340
ECE 588 Electricity Resource Planning Credit in MATH 415
Credit in ECE 476
Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410
ENG 471 Seminar Energy & Sustain Engrg
ENG 571 Theory Energy & Sustain Engrg
MCB 400 Cancer Cell Biology
MCB 401 Cellular Physiology
MCB 450 Introductory Biochemistry Credit in CHEM 232 or CHEM 236
ME 400 Energy Conversion Systems Credit in ME 200 or ME 300
ME 432 Fundamentals of Photovoltaics Credit in PHYS 212
Credit in CEE 300 or ME 330 or TAM 324
ME 471 Finite Element Analysis Credit in AE 370 or ME 371 or TAM 470 Website
ME 483 Mechanobiology Credit in CHEM 103
Credit in TAM 251
MSE 101 Materials in Today's World
MSE 182 Introduction to MatSE
MSE 183 Introductory MatSE Laboratory Credit in MSE 182
MSE 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
MSE 201 Phases and Phase Relations Credit in MSE 182
Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 104
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 231
Credit or concurrent registration in PHYS 211
MSE 206 Mechanics for MatSE Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 225 or MATH 257 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 241
Credit in PHYS 211
Credit or concurrent registration in CS 101 or CS 124 or CS 125
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 201
MSE 280 Engineering Materials Credit in CHEM 102
Credit in PHYS 211
MSE 304 Electronic Properties of Matls Credit in PHYS 214
MSE 307 Materials Laboratory I Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 401
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 201
MSE 308 Materials Laboratory II Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 307
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 406
MSE 396 Introduction to Research
MSE 398 Materials Design Thinking
MSE 401 Thermodynamics of Materials Credit in MSE 201 or MSE 280
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285
MSE 402 Kinetic Processes in Materials Credit in MSE 201
Credit in MSE 401
MSE 403 Synthesis of Materials Credit in MSE 201
Concurrent registration in MSE 401
MSE 404 Laboratory Studies in Materials Science and Engineering Credit in MSE 307
Credit in MSE 308
MSE 404 AD Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 CP Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 ELA Materials Laboratories Website
MSE 404 LD Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 MAC Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 MIC Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 MP Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 NP Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 PC Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 PC1 Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 PLA Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 PS Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 PS1 Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 TE Materials Laboratories
MSE 404 TM Materials Laboratories
MSE 405 Microstructure Determination Credit in MSE 201
Credit in PHYS 214
Credit in MATH 285
MSE 406 Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 401
Credit in MSE 206
Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 201
MSE 420 Ceramic Materials & Properties
MSE 421 Ceramic Processing Credit in MSE 420
MSE 422 Electrical Ceramics Website
MSE 440 Mechanical Behavior of Metals Credit in MSE 406
MSE 441 Metals Processing
MSE 443 Design of Engineering Alloys Credit in MSE 401
Credit in MSE 402
MSE 450 Polymer Science & Engineering
MSE 453 Plastics Engineering
MSE 455 Macromolecular Solids
MSE 456 Mechanics of Composites Website
MSE 457 Polymer Chemistry
MSE 458 Polymer Physics
MSE 460 Electronic Materials I Credit in ECE 340
Credit in MSE 304
MSE 461 Electronic Materials II
MSE 464 Magnetic Mat'ls & Applications
MSE 466 Electrochem Energy Conversion
MSE 470 Design and Use of Biomaterials Credit or concurrent registration in MCB 252
Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 232 or MSE 403
MSE 473 Biomolecular Materials Science
MSE 474 Biomaterials and Nanomedicine
MSE 480 Surfaces and Colloids
MSE 481 Electron Microscopy Website
MSE 485 Atomic Scale Simulations
MSE 487 Materials for Nanotechnology Website
MSE 488 Optical Materials Website
MSE 489 Matl Select for Sustainability
MSE 492 Lab Safety Fundamentals
MSE 494 Materials Design Thinking
MSE 495 Materials Design
MSE 498 Special Topics Website
MSE 498 MAS Special Topics Website
MSE 500 Statistical Thermodyn of Matls
MSE 501 Kinetic Processes in Materials Website
MSE 522 Solid State Ionics
MSE 529 Hard Materials Seminar
MSE 552 Transport in Polymers
MSE 559 Soft Materials Seminar Website
MSE 580 Diffraction Physics of Matls Website
MSE 581 Advanced Electron Microscopy
MSE 582 Surface Physics Website
MSE 583 Dynamics of Complex Fluids
MSE 584 Point and Line Defects
MSE 590 Research Seminars Website
MSE 590 DMS Digi-Mat Prof. Dev. Seminar
MSE 595 Materials Colloquium
MSE 598 Special Topics
MSE 598 CS Special Topics
MSE 598 DM Special Topics
NPRE 457 Safety Anlys Nucl Reactor Syst
NPRE 470 Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Sources Website
NPRE 475 Wind Power Systems Website
NPRE 480 Energy and Security
NPRE 501 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engrg
NPRE 531 Nuclear Materials
PHYS 460 Condensed Matter Physics Website
PHYS 552 Optical Spectroscopy
PHYS 560 Condensed Matter Physics I Website
SE 412 Nondestructive Evaluation
STAT 447 Data Science Prog Methods
TAM 470 Computational Mechanics Credit in CS 101 or CS 125
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 286 or MATH 441
TAM 534 Non-Newt Fl Mech & Rheol
TAM 551 Solid Mechanics I
TAM 552 Solid Mechanics II
TAM 561 Mechanics & Thermo of Soft Mat Website