Service Areas and Offices

Melissa Anderson
Lab Manager
Teresa Bice
Business and HR Specialist
Jackson Brunner
Marketing Coordinator, Materials Science and Engineering
Katie M. Burke
Graduate Programs Coordinator
Reid Allen Lasley
Senior Engagement Coordinator
Erica Lynne Malloch
Assistant to the Head
Laura Nagel
Senior Lecturer
Bailey Peters
Office Manager & Research Coordinator
Ashley S. Phillips Smith
Assistant Director of Graduate Programs
Summer Redman
Senior HR Coordinator
Nicole Dawn Robards
Associate Director of Facilities and Operations
Andre Schleife
Associate Professor
Ethan Scott
Associate Director of Advancement
Moonsub Shim
Professor, Willett Faculty Scholar and Associate Head of Graduate Studies
Nancy R. Sottos
Department Head
Brittany L. Stein
Senior Business & Finance Coordinator
Allison Leslie Sutton
Assistant Head for Administration
Karyn A. Traum
Coordinator of Research Programs