CHBE 594

CHBE 594 - Assembly of Functional Materia

Fall 2020

BiotransportCHBE476HJK61156OLC31100 - 1220 T R    Joon Kong
Kai-Yu Huang
Joanne Vanessa Hwang
Bioenergy TechnologyCHBE478A61157OLC30930 - 1050 T R    
Comp Methods in Chemical EngrCHBE494CVR71540L431100 - 1220 T R  70B Wohlers Hall Christopher V Rao
William Woodruff
Assembly of Functional MateriaCHBE494YD72991OLC30930 - 1050 T R    Ying Diao
Prapti Kafle
Comp Methods in Chemical EngrCHBE594CVR31572L241100 - 1220 T R  70B Wohlers Hall Christopher V Rao
William Woodruff
BiotransportCHBE594HJK71538OLC41100 - 1220 T R    Joon Kong
Kai-Yu Huang
Joanne Vanessa Hwang
Bioenergy TechnologyCHBE594HZ31610OLC40930 - 1050 T R    Huimin Zhao
Vinh G Tran
Assembly of Functional MateriaCHBE594YD31571OLC40930 - 1050 T R    Ying Diao
Prapti Kafle

Official Description

Various advanced topics; generally taken during the second year of graduate study. Typical topics include turbulence, hydrodynamic instability, process dynamics, interfacial phenomena, reactor design, cellular bioengineering, properties of matter at high pressure, and phase transitions. Course Information: May be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Subject Area

  • Polymers Soft Materials