CHEM 483

CHEM 483 - Solid State Structural Anlys

Fall 2020

Solid State Structural AnlysCHEM483AL169977PKG41400 - 1520 M W    Gregory S Girolami
Claire Evamarie Schmit
Danielle L Gray
Joe Lastowski
Solid State Structural AnlysCHEM483AL169977PKG41400 - 1520 F  G17 Foreign Languages Building Gregory S Girolami
Claire Evamarie Schmit
Danielle L Gray
Joe Lastowski
Solid State Structural AnlysCHEM483ONL75685PKG41400 - 1520 M W    Gregory S Girolami
Claire Evamarie Schmit
Danielle L Gray
Joe Lastowski
Solid State Structural AnlysCHEM483ONL75685PKG41400 - 1520 F    Gregory S Girolami
Claire Evamarie Schmit
Danielle L Gray
Joe Lastowski

Official Description

Lectures and laboratory on various aspects of X-ray diffraction studies of solids; topics include the properties of crystals, symmetry, diffraction techniques, data collection methods, and the determination and refinement of crystal structures. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 442 or consent of instructor.

Subject Area

  • Characterization