ME 588

ME 588 - Nano-fab & Characterization

Fall 2024

Nano-fab & CharacterizationME588AB179802LAB01200 - 1430 R  2208 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Dong Young Yoon
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Nano-fab & CharacterizationME588AB279803LAB01100 - 1330 F  2208 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Siyuan Huang
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Nano-fab & CharacterizationME588AB380122LAB01430 - 1700 W  2208 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Shahriar Muhammad Nahid
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Nano-fab & CharacterizationME588GR379416LEC31000 - 1120 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Arend van der Zande
Nano-fab & CharacterizationME588GR479811LEC41000 - 1120 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Arend van der Zande
Nano-fab & CharacterizationME588ONL79417ONL3 -    Arend van der Zande


Official Description

This course will provide a practical understanding of state-of-the-art, nanoscale fabrication and characterization approaches, and the fundamental principles behind these advanced techniques. Topics include top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication, characterization of structures smaller than the wavelength of light, quantum properties of nanomaterials that these techniques probe, and applications at the forefront of nano-research. Two-dimensional materials will be the case study of the broader challenges and opportunities of making and using nanoscale systems. Course Information: 3 OR 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: Any of ME 330, CEE 300, PHYS 460, MSE 304, ECE 340, CHEM 442, or equivalent; Recommended: PHYS 214 or equivalent.