MSE 307

MSE 307 - Materials Laboratory I

Fall 2025

Materials Laboratory IMSE307AB132973LAB01400 - 1650 T  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Materials Laboratory IMSE307AB232332LAB01400 - 1650 W  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Materials Laboratory IMSE307AB332401LAB01400 - 1650 R  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Materials Laboratory IMSE307AB451976LAB01400 - 1650 F  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Materials Laboratory IMSE307AB558741LAB01400 - 1650 M  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Materials Laboratory IMSE307AE132409LCD31300 - 1350 M W  122 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Materials Laboratory IMSE307AE132409LCD31300 - 1350 M W  1306 Everitt Laboratory Jessica TerBush


Official Description

Experiments using optical microscopy and various thermal and thermodynamic measuring techniques including differential scanning calorimetry. Experience with laboratory test instruments and technical communication, including reports and oral presentations. Course Information: MSE 307 and MSE 308 are approved for General Education credit only as a sequence. Both courses must be completed to receive Advanced Composition credit. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 201 and MSE 401.