MSE 308

MSE 308 - Materials Laboratory II

Spring 2023

Materials Laboratory IIMSE308AB138210LAB01400 - 1650 T  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Daniel P. Shoemaker
John Chen
Vaanchit Srikumar
Ziqi Zhao
Materials Laboratory IIMSE308AB238211LAB01400 - 1650 W  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Daniel P. Shoemaker
Hannah Pichman
Jake Tokarewich
Val Cruz Pavon
Wenxin Zhang
Materials Laboratory IIMSE308AB338214LAB01400 - 1650 R  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Daniel P. Shoemaker
John Chen
Vaanchit Srikumar
Wenxin Zhang
Ziqi Zhao
Materials Laboratory IIMSE308AB445287LAB01400 - 1650 F  105 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
AJ Aguero
Daniel P. Shoemaker
Hannah Pichman
Kira Martin
Mozah Mubarak Almulhim
Steven Endres
Materials Laboratory IIMSE308AL138208LEC31300 - 1350 T R  122 Ceramics Kiln House Jessica TerBush
Daniel P. Shoemaker
Materials Laboratory IIMSE308AL138208LEC31300 - 1350 T R  2310 Everitt Laboratory Jessica TerBush
Daniel P. Shoemaker


Official Description

Experiments characterizing mechanical, transport, and electronic properties of materials and the use of optical microscopy, quartz crystal microbalance, and various mechanical testing equipment. Technical communication is refined through the use of lab reports and oral presentations. Course Information: MSE 307 and MSE 308 are approved for General Education credit only as a sequence. Both courses must be completed to receive Advanced Composition credit. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in MSE 307 and MSE 406.