MSE 404

MSE 404 - Laboratory Studies in Materials Science and Engineering

Fall 2025

Ceramic ProcessingMSE404CP66885LAB1.51400 - 1650 M W  216 Ceramics Building Laura Nagel
Computational MSE- MacroscaleMSE404MAC66897B41.51400 - 1650 T R  L440 Digital Computer Laboratory Andre Schleife
Computational MSE- MicroscaleMSE404MIC66895B11.51400 - 1650 T R  L440 Digital Computer Laboratory Andre Schleife
Polymer CharacterizationMSE404PC166886LAB1.51400 - 1650 M W  124 Ceramics Kiln House Nathan Gabrielson
Polymer CharacterizationMSE404PC266889B11.51400 - 1650 T R  124 Ceramics Kiln House Nathan Gabrielson
Polymer CharacterizationMSE404PC366890B21.50800 - 1050 T R  124 Ceramics Kiln House Nathan Gabrielson
Polymer SynthesisMSE404PS166898B31.51400 - 1650 M W  124 Ceramics Kiln House Nathan Gabrielson
Polymer SynthesisMSE404PS266899B41.51400 - 1650 T R  124 Ceramics Kiln House Nathan Gabrielson
Polymer SynthesisMSE404PS366900B51.50800 - 1050 T R  124 Ceramics Kiln House Nathan Gabrielson
Thin Film Electrical ProprtiesMSE404TE166901B31.51400 - 1650 M W  113 Ceramics Building Jian-Min Zuo
Thin Film Electrical ProprtiesMSE404TE266902B41.51400 - 1650 T R  113 Ceramics Building Jian-Min Zuo
Thin Film Mechanical ProprtiesMSE404TM166891LAB1.51400 - 1650 M W  113 Ceramics Building Jian-Min Zuo
Thin Film Mechanical ProprtiesMSE404TM266892B11.51400 - 1650 T R  113 Ceramics Building Jian-Min Zuo


Official Description

Experiments include direct hands-on investigations or are performed through computational approaches. Laboratory experiences include both fundamental studies as well as investigations on more applied topics. Course Information: 1.5 undergraduate hours. 1.5 graduate hours. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: MSE 307 and MSE 308 or permission of instructor. Senior standing.