NPRE 480

NPRE 480 - Energy and Security

Spring 2025

Energy and SecurityGLBL480AE134776LCD31230 - 1350 T R  2035 Campus Instructional Facility Leon Liebenberg
Energy and SecurityNPRE480AE134770LCD31230 - 1350 T R  2035 Campus Instructional Facility Leon Liebenberg
Energy and SecurityNPRE480ONL72563ONL3 -    Leon Liebenberg
Energy and SecurityPS480AE148965LCD31230 - 1350 T R  2035 Campus Instructional Facility Leon Liebenberg

Official Description

Security and supplies of energy, mineral resources, and water. Evolution of the importance of various fuels in conflicts (including coal, oil, uranium, and natural gas) starting with the Franco-Prussian Wars. Theories of international conflict and examination of the role of individual leaders versus institutional factors in the precipitation and outcome of pivotal wars. Econometric analyses relevant to past and projected future energy use. Course Information: Same as GLBL 480 and PS 480. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Composition I and Quantitative Reasoning I.

Subject Area

  • Sustainability