TAM 470

TAM 470 - Computational Mechanics

Fall 2020

Computational MechanicsCSE450E335031OLC31230 - 1350 T R    Narayana R Aluru
Lucy Sun
Computational MechanicsCSE450E441371OLC41230 - 1350 T R    Narayana R Aluru
Lucy Sun
Computational MechanicsTAM470E335028OLC31230 - 1350 T R    Narayana R Aluru
Lucy Sun
Computational MechanicsTAM470E440082OLC41230 - 1350 T R    Narayana R Aluru
Lucy Sun

Official Description

Modercomputational mechanics: mappings and iterative methods; stability; convergence; consistency; numerical and symbolic solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations; finite-difference methods; the finite-element method; spectral methods. Applications to problems in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and dynamics. Course Information: Same as CSE 450. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CS 101; MATH 285 OR MATH 286 OR MATH 441.

Subject Area

  • Metals