CHEM 590 C

CHEM 590 C - Special Topics in Chemistry

Spring 2025

Special Topics in ChemistryCHEM590C46667LCD40930 - 1050 T R  163 Noyes Laboratory Jonathan V Sweedler

Official Description

Designed for students majoring or minoring in chemistry who wish to undertake individual studies of a non-research nature under the direction of a faculty member of the department. Course Information: Approved for both letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and written approval of department head. Staff for the course is the same as for CHEM 599.

Section Description

Chem 590: Special Topics: Advances in Separations and Mass Spectrometry for metabolomics and proteomics. This course will cover the basic analytical methods that make the study of metabolomes and proteomes feasible using mass spectrometry. Metabolomics and Proteomics are rapidly advancing fields; this course will discuss historical background as well as discuss current developments. Topics to be covered include: separations, fundamentals of mass spectrometry, metabolite, lipids, peptides and protein mass spec, imaging mass spectrometry, ion mobility, studying post-translational modifications and informatics approaches to analyze the resulting mass spectrometry data. Prerequisite: One semester of undergraduate instrumental characterization (Chem 420) and graduate student standing. Undergraduates may register with consent of instructor.

Subject Area

  • Biomaterials