CS 446

CS 446 - Machine Learning

Spring 2021

Machine LearningCS446P331421ONL31530 - 1645 T R    Matus Jan Telgarsky
Machine LearningCS446P439433ONL41530 - 1645 T R    Matus Jan Telgarsky
Machine LearningCS446R368039OLC31530 - 1645 T R     Alexander Schwing
Machine LearningCS446R468040OLC41530 - 1645 T R     Alexander Schwing
Machine LearningECE449P370856ONL31530 - 1645 T R    Matus Jan Telgarsky
Machine LearningECE449P470857ONL41530 - 1645 T R    Matus Jan Telgarsky
Machine LearningECE449R372808OLC31530 - 1645 T R     Alexander Schwing
Machine LearningECE449R472809OLC41530 - 1645 T R     Alexander Schwing

Official Description

Principles and applications of machine learning. Main paradigms and techniques, including discriminative and generative methods, reinforcement learning: linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machines, deep nets, structured methods, dimensionality reduction, k-means, Gaussian mixtures, expectation maximization, Markov decision processes, and Q-learning. Application areas such as natural language and text understanding, speech recognition, computer vision, data mining, and adaptive computer systems, among others. Course Information: Same as ECE 449. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CS 225; One of MATH 225, MATH 415, MATH 416 or ASRM 406; One of CS 361, ECE 313, MATH 461 or STAT 400.

Subject Area

  • Computational Materials