MSE 404 CP

MSE 404 CP - Ceramic Processing

Fall 2024

Ceramic ProcessingMSE404CP66885LAB1.51400 - 1650 M W  216 Ceramics Building Laura Nagel
Joey Lin
Noha Azizalrahman


Official Description

Experiments include direct hands-on investigations or are performed through computational approaches. Laboratory experiences include both fundamental studies as well as investigations on more applied topics. Course Information: 1.5 undergraduate hours. 1.5 graduate hours. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: MSE 307 and MSE 308 or permission of instructor. Senior standing.

Section Description

The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of ceramics properties and processing. Students will explore aspects of ceramic powders preparation, powder characterization, forming methods, thermal processing, and physical property characterization. Students will explore the interplay between crystal, electronic, chemical, and microstructural degrees of freedom in ceramics.

Subject Area

  • Ceramics