Surfaces and Colloids

Oral Qualifying Exam - Surfaces and Colloids



  •  Arthur W. Adamson and Alice P. Gast, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 6th edition, Wiley, New York, 1997. 
  • Gabor A. Somorjai, Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Wiley, New York, 1994 
  • Robert J. Stokes and D. Fennell Evans, Fundamentals of Interfacial Engineering, Wiley-VCH, New York, 1997. 
  • Jacob N. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York, 1991. 

LEVEL (based on UIUC courses): MATSE 480 


  1. Surface structure: reconstruction, relaxation - molecular orientation - how to measure surface structure? 
  2. Surface thermodynamics: molecular origin of surface energy - Gibbs dividing surface - surface excess functions - Gibbs adsorption equation - other implications 
  3. Curved surfaces: capillary pressure: the Young-Laplace equation - vapor pressure: the Kelvin equation - implications: nanoparticles, adhesion, etc. 
  4. Physisorption, chemisorption: physisorption versus chemisorption - adsorption isotherms - internal interfaces: critical micelle concentration 
  5. Varieties of inter-particle forces: Scale-up from molecules to larger particles - van der Waals, electrostatic, "structured liquids" 
  6. Structured liquids (polymers; surfactants; self-assembly; liquid structure).