Pascal Bellon
For More Information
Professional Highlights
- Professor Bellon received an electrical engineering degree from Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (France) in 1984 and a PhD in materials science from University Paris 6 (France) in 1989. He then worked at the Physical Metallurgy Research Section (SRMP) at the CEA Center for Research at Saclay (France) until 1996. He first worked in the MatSE Department at UIUC as a post-doctoral fellow in 1993-1994, and joined the faculty at UIUC in 1996. He received an NSF Career Award in 1998, awards from the Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education (University of Illinois) in 1998, 1999 and 2000 and the Don Burnett Teaching Award in 2000.
Research Statement
My research program is mainly focused on alloys or mixtures submitted to a sustained external forcing: such conditions are often met during either the processing of materials (e.g. by ball-milling or during thin film growth) or during the use of these materials (e.g. during frictional wear or under irradiation). Alloys in such environments have been termed "driven alloys." When the intensity of the forcing is high enough, non-equilibrium phases or microstructures can develop. From a practical point of view, these driving forces can have deleterious effects on the properties of materials: for instance precipitates can be dissolved,leading to a loss of mechanical strength. On the other hand, non-equilibrium processing can provide new routes to synthesizing novel materials: e.g., extended solid solutions or functional nanocomposites can be obtained by processing powders with high-energy ball milling or by processing thin films with energetic ion beams.
The related facet of our research is on the kinetic evolution of alloys during heat treatments. We are taking advantage of the kinetic models developed for driven alloys to study diffusion phenomena and diffusion-controlled reactions such as nucleation, growth and coarsening in complex alloys.
We are performing experiments, atomic computer simulations (kinetic Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics) and analytical modeling of these nonequilibrium alloys. The experiments carried out in our laboratory include ball-milling, wear testing, ion and laser irradiation (in collaboration with Prof. Averback). Materials are characterized by using the facilities available at the National User Facility at the Materials Research Laboratory. These include SEM, TEM, HRTEM, DSC and X-ray diffraction. Computer simulations are run on our cluster of LINUX workstations, and at computation centers on campus (MRL-MCC, MRL-CFC).
Selected Articles in Journals
- Anyu Shang, Benjamin Stegman, Kenyi Choy Hernandez, Tongjun Niu, Chao Shen, Zhongxia Shang, Xuanyu Sheng, Jack Lopez, Luke Hoppenrath, Bohua Zhang, Haiyan Wang, Pascal Bellon, and Xinghang Zhang, Nature Communications, 2024 in press.
- "Grain Boundary Precipitation and Self-Organization in Two-Phase Alloys Under Irradiation: Phase Field Simulations and Experiments in Al-Sb", G. F. Bouobda Moladje, S. Das, A. Verma, Y.-T. Chang, M.-A. Charpagne, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, JOM, Volume 76, pages 2884–2898, (2024).
- "Convection-induced compositional patterning at grain boundaries in irradiated alloys", G. F. Bouobda Moladje; R. S. Averback; P. Bellon; L. Thuinet, PhysRev. Lett., vol. 131, 056201 (2023)
- "Strengthening of nanocrystalline Al using grain boundary solute additions: Effects of thermal annealing and ion irradiation", Sung Eun Kim; Nisha Verma; Sezer Özerinç; Soumyajit Jana ; Sourav Das; P. Bellon; R.S. Averback, Materialia, vol. 26, 101564 (2022).
- "Role of interfaces on phase formation during severe plastic deformation", N. Pant, S. Das, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, M. Krief, and Y. Ashkenazy, Acta Materialia vol. 240, 118333 (2022)
- "Radiation-resistant binary solid solutions via vacancy trapping on solute clusters", C. Daniels, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Materialia, 20, 101261 (2021).
- "Anisotropic Cahn-Hilliard free energy and interface energies for binary alloys with pairwise interactions", P. Bellon, Q. Li, Acta Materialia, 215, 117041 (2021).
- "A review: Microstructural evolutions and atomic mixing in alloys forced by plastic deformation”, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, F. Ren, N. Pant, Y. Ashkenazy, JOM, vol. 73, 2212 (2021).
- "Phase evolution in driven alloys: An overview on compositional patterning", R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, S. J. Dillon, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 553, 153015 (2021)
- "Compositional patterning in irradiated alloys: Effective potentials and effective interfacial energy", Q. Li, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, Physical Review B 103, 104110 (2021).
- "Phase evolution in two-phase alloys during severe plastic deformation", N. Pant, N. Verma, Y. Ashkenazy, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Materialia 210, 116826 (2021).
- "Phase field methods", P. Bellon, L. Thuinet, in Comprehensive Nuclear Materials 2nd edition, Volume 1, Ed. Konings, R.J.M. (Ed.), Elsevier, 779-813 (2020).
- “Evolution of Nb oxide nanoprecipitates in Cu during reactive mechanical alloying”, Qun Li, Xuekun Shang, Blanka Janicek, Pinshane Y. Huang, Pascal Bellon, Robert S. Averback, J. Mater. Res. 173, 109386 (2020).
- “Hybrid kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm for strongly trapping alloy systems”, C. Daniels, P. Bellon, Comp. Mater. Sci. 173, 109386 (2020).
- "Wear of materials", P. Bellon, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 23, 1000779 (2019)
- “Probing the Subsurface Lattice Rotation Dynamics in Bronze after Sliding Wear”, W. Cai, P. Bellon, A. J. Beaudoin, Scripta Mater. 172, 6-11 (2019).
- "Effect of annealing treatment on the dry sliding wear behavior of copper", W. Cai, P. Bellon, Wear 426-427, 1187-1194 (2019).
- “Effects of ternary alloy additions on the microstructure of highly immiscible Cu alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation: an evaluation of the effective temperature model”, N. Verma, N. Pant, J. A. Beach, J. Ivanisenko, Y. Ashkenazy, S. J. Dillon, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Mater. 170, 218-230 (2019).
- "Modeling the long-term evolution of dilute solid solutions in the presence of vacancy fluxes", T. Schuler, P. Bellon, D. R. Trinkle, R. S. Averback, Phys. Rev. Mater. 2, 073605 (2018)
- "Unusual irradiation-induced disordering in Cu3Au near the critical temperature: An in situ study using electron diffraction", C. Lear, R. Averback, P. Bellon, A. E. Sand, M. Kirk, J. Mater. Res. 33, pp. 3841-3848 (2018).
- “Wear resistance of Cu-Ag multilayers: A microscopic study“, R. Madhavan, P. Bellon and R. S. Averback, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf., 10, 15288-15297 (2018).
- “Self-organized, size-selection of precipitates during severe plastic deformation of dilute Cu-Nb alloys at low temperatures”, J. A. Beach, M. Wang, P. Bellon, S. Dillon, Y. Ivanisenko, T. Boll, R. S. Averback, Acta Materialia 140, 217-223 (2017).
- “Phase evolution of highly immiscible alloys under shear deformation: Kinetic pathways, steady states, and the lever-rule”, Y. Ashkenazy, N. Pant, J. Zhou, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Materialia 139, 205-214 (2017).
- Novel mechanism for order patterning in alloys driven by irradiation”, C. Lear, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Phys. Rev. B 96, 104108 (2017).
- “Sliding wear induced subsurface microstructural evolution in nanocrystalline Nb-Ag binary alloys and its impact on tribological performance”, K. Chu, F. Ren, W. Zhu, C. Zhao, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Wear 392-393, 69-76 (2017).
- “Design principles for radiation-resistant solid solutions”, T. Schuler, D. R. Trinkle, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Phys. Rev. B 95, 174102 (2017).
- High thermal coarsening resistance of irradiation-induced nanoprecipitates in Cu-Mo-Si alloys, J. Lee, J. Beach, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Mater. 132, 432-443 (2017).
- Precipitation kinetics of dilute Cu-W alloys during low-temperature ion irradiation, X. Zhang, J. A. Beach, M. Wang, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Mater. 120, 46-55 (2016).
- Irradiation-induced formation of nanorod precipitates in a dilute Cu–W alloy, S. Shu, X. Zhang, J. A. Beach, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Scripta Mater. 115, 155-158 (2016).
- "Yield maps for single and bilayer thin films under scratch", A. Chatterjee, A. Beheshti, P. Bellon, A. A. Polycarpou, J. of Tribology, 183, 031402 (2016).
- "Nanoscale self-organization reaction in Cu-Ag alloys subjected to dry sliding and its impact on wear resistance", F. Ren, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Tribo. Inter. 100, 420-429 (2016).
- "Radiation-induced solute segregation in metallic alloys", A. J. Ardell, P. Bellon, Curr. Opinion Sol. State Mater. Sci., 20, 115-139 (2016).
- "Non-equilibrium Grain Boundary Wetting in Cu–Ag Alloys Containing W Nanoparticles", S. Shu, X. Zhang, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Mater. Res. Lett. 4, 22-26 (2016).
- "Mechanical Properties of Molybdenum Disulfide and the Effect of Doping: An in Situ TEM Study", Tedstone, A.A., Lewis, D.J., Hao, R., Mao, S.-M., Bellon, P., Averback, R.S., Warrens, C.P., West, K.R., Howard, P., Gaemers, S., Dillon, S.J. , OBrien, P. , ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 7, 20829-20834 (2015).
- "Role of interfaces on the trapping of He in 2D and 3D Cu-Nb nano composites", T. G. Lach, E. H. Ekiz, R. S. Averback, N. A. Mara, P. Bellon, J. Null. Mater. 466, 36-42 (2015).
- "Precipitate stability in Cu-Ag-W system under high-temperature irradiation", X. Zhang, S. Shu, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Mater. 97, 348-356 (2015).
- "Role of point-defect sinks on irradiation-induced compositional patterning in model binary alloys", S. Shu, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Phys. Rev. B 91, 214107 (2015).
- "Self-organization of Cu-Ag during controlled severe plastic deformation at high temperatures", Arshad, S.N., Lach, T.G., Ivanisenko, J., Setman, D., Bellon, P., Dillon, S.J. , Averback, R.S., J. of Mater. Res., 12 1943-1956 (2015)
- “A phase field model for segregation and precipitation induced by irradiation in alloys”, A. Badillo, P. Bellon, and R. S. Averback, Modell. Sim. Mater. Sci. Eng. 23, 035008 (2015).
- “Irradiation-induced nanoprecipitation in Ni-W alloys”, J. Lee, C. R. Lear, X. Zhang, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Metall. Mater. Trans. A 46, 1046-1061 (2015).
- “Calculation of strain effects on vacancy-mediated diffusion in fcc structures: General approach and application to Ni1-xSix”, T. Garnier, Z. Li, M. Nastar, P. Bellon, D. R. Trinkle, Phys. Rev. B, 90 184301 (2014).
- “Novel nanoscale precipitate structures in ion-irradiated Cu1-xVx alloys: Cherry-pit formation”, B. Stumphy, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, J. Mater. Res. 30, 170-178 (2015).
- “A kinetic Monte Carlo study of coarsening resistance of novel core/shell precipitates”, X. Zhang, W. Gao, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, J.-M. Zuo, Acta Mater. 79, 37-46 (2014).
- “Orientation relationship formed during irradiation induced precipitation of W in Cu”, K. Tai, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, N. Q. Vo, Y. Ashkenazy, S. J. Dillon, J. Nucl. Mater. 454, 126-129 (2014).
- “Irradiation-induced patterning in dilute Cu-Fe alloys”, B. Stumphy, S. W. Chee, N. Q. Vo, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, M. Ghafari, J. Nucl. Mater. 453, 66-74 (2014).
- “Diffusion of Si impurities in Ni under stress: A first-principles study”, T. Garnier, V. R. Manga, P. Bellon, D. R. Trinkle, Phys. Rev. B. 90, 024306 (2014).
- “Sliding wear-induced chemical nanolayering in Cu-Ag, and its implications for high wear resistance”, F. Ren, S. N. Arshad, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, M. Pouryazdan, H. Hahn, Acta Mater. 72, 148-158 (2014).
- “Stability and amorphization of Cu-Nb interfaces during severe plastic deformation: Molecular dynamics simulations of simple shear”, J. Zhou, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, Acta Mater. 73, 116-127 (2014).
- “Microstructural evolution of nanolayered Cu-Nb composites subjected to high pressure torsion”, E. H. Ekiz, T. G. Lach, R. S. Averback, N. A. Mara, I. J. Beyerlein, M. Pouryazdan, H. Hahn, P. Bellon, Acta Mater. 72, 178-191 (2014).
- “Quantitative modeling of solute drag by vacancies in face-centered-cubic alloys”, T. Garnier, D. Trinkle, M. Nastar, P. Bellon, Phys. Rev. B, 89, 144202 (2014).
- “Forced atomic mixing during severe plastic deformation: Chemical interactions and kinetically driven segregation”, M. Wang, N. Q. Vo, M. Campion, T. D. Nguyen, D. Setman, S. Dillon, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Mater. 66, 1-11 (2014).
- “Chemical mixing and self-organization of Nb precipitates in Cu during severe plastic deformation”, M. Wang, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, S. Dillon, Acta Mater. 62, 276-285 (2014).
- “Stress-induced anisotropic diffusion in alloys: Complex Si solute flow near a dislocation core in Ni”, T. Garnier, V. R. Manga, D. Trinkle, M. Nastar, P. Bellon, Phys. Rev. B 88, 134208 (2013).
- “Solute drag by vacancies in body-centered cubic alloys”, T. Garnier, M. Nastar, P. Bellon, D. Trinkle, Phys. Rev. B 88, 134201 (2013).
- “Subsurface microstructure evolution and deformation mechanism of Ag–Cu eutectic alloy after dry sliding wear”, W. Cai and P. Bellon, Wear, 303, 602-610 (2013).
- “Atomic Mixing in Metals Under Shear Deformation”, N. Q. Vo, J. Zhou, Y. Ashkenazy, D. Schwen, R. S. Averback, and P. Bellon, JOM, volume 65 (March), pp. 382-389 (2013).
- “Complex nanoprecipitate structures induced by irradiation in immiscible alloy systems”, S. Shu, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Phys. Rev. B87, 144102-1 to -13 (2013).
- “Irradiation-induced selective precipitation in Cu-Nb-W alloys: An approach towards coarsening resistance”, X. Zhang, J. Wen, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Acta Mater. 61, 2004-2015 (2013).
- "Dependence of shear-induced mixing on length scale," S.N. Arshad, T. Lach, M. Pouryazadan, H. Hahn, P. Bellon, S.J. Dillon, R.S. Averback, Scripta Materialia, 68, 215-218 (2013).
- "Microstructural self-organization triggered by twin boundaries during dry sliding wear," W. Cai, P. Bellon, Acta Meterialia, 60, 6673-6684 (2012).
- "Forced chemical mixing of immiscible Ag-Cu heterointerfaces using high-pressure torsion," M. Pouryazdan, D. Schwen, D. Wang, T. Scherer, H. Hahn, R.S. Averback, P. Bellon, Physical Review B, 86, 144302 (2012).
- "Grain boundary doping strengthens nanocrystalline copper alloys," S. Oezerinc, K. Tai, N.Q. Vo,P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, W.P. King, Scripta Materilia, 67, 720-723 (2012).
- "Forced chemical mixing at Cu-Nb interfaces under severe plastic deformation," N.Q. Vo, R.S. Averback, Y. Ashkenazy, P. Bellon, J. Wang, Journal of Materials Research, 27, 1621-1630 (2012).
- "Nanostructuring of Cu–TiB2 induced by ion irradiation," R. Lokesh, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, J. Nucl. Mater. 423, 9-15 (2012).
- "Temperature dependence of irradiation-induced creep in dilute nanostructured Cu-W alloys," K. Tai, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, Y. Ashkenazy, B. Stumphy, J. Nucl. Mater. 422, 8-13 (2012).
- "Shear induced chemical mixing in heterogeneous systems," Y. Ashkenazy, N. Q. Vo, D. Schwen, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, Acta. Mater. 60, 984-993 (2012).
- "Reaching theoretical strengths in nanocrystalline Cu by grain boundary doping," N.Q. Vo, J. Schaefer, R.S. Averback, K. Albe, Y. Ashkenazy and P. Bellon, Scripta Materialia 65, 660-663 (2011).
- "Microstructural stability of nanostructured Cu-Nb-W alloys during high-temperature annealing and irradiation," X. Zhang, N.Q. Vo, P. Bellon and R.S. Averback, Acta Materialia 59, 5332-5341 (2011).
- "Irradiation-induced creep in nanostructured Cu alloys," K. Tai, R.S. Averback, P. Bellon and Y. Ashkenazy, Scripta Materialia 65, 163-166 (2011).
- “Atomic-scale design of radiation-tolerant nanocomposites”, M. Demkowicz, P. Bellon, B. D. Wirth, MRS Bulletin 35, 992-998 (2010).
- N. Q. Vo, S. W. Chee, D. Schwen, X. Zhang, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, “Microstructural stability of nanostructured Cu alloys during high-temperature irradiation”, Scripta. Mater. 63, 929-932 (2010).
- J. Ye, Y. Li, R. S. Averback, J.-M. Zuo, P. Bellon, “Atomistic Modeling of Nanoscale Patterning of L12 Order Induced by Ion Irradiation”, J. Applied Phys. 108, 054302 (2010).
- S. W. Chee, B. Stumphy, N. Q. Vo, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, “Dynamic self-organization in Cu alloys under ion irradiation,” Acta. Mater. 58, 4088-4099 (2010).
- A. Chatterjee, N. Kumar, J. R. Abelson, P. Bellon, A. A. Polycarpou, “Nanowear of hafnium diboride thin films,” Tribo. Trans. 53, 731-738 (2010).
- A. Chatterjee, A. A. Polycarpou, J. R. Abelson, P. Bellon, “Nanoscratch study of hard HfB2 thin films using experimental and finite element techniques,” Wear 268, 677-685 (2010).
- D. Schwen, M. Huang, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, “Molecular dynamics simulation of intragranular Xe bubble re-solution in UO2,” J. Nucl. Mater. 392, 35-39 (2009).
- N. Q. Vo, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, A. Caro, “Yield strength in nanocrystalline Cu during high strain rate deformation,” Scripta Mater. 61, 76-79 (2009).
- N. Q. Vo, S. Odunuga, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, “Forced chemical mixing in immiscible alloys during severe plastic deformation at elevated temperatures,” Acta Mater. 57, 3012-3019 (2009).
- W. Cai, J. Mabon, and P. Bellon, “Crystallographic textures and texture transitions induced by sliding wear in bronze and nickel,” Wear, 267, 485-494 (2009).
- N. Q. Vo, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, A. Caro, “Limits of hardness at the nanoscale: Molecular dynamics simulations,” Phys. Rev. B78, 241402(R)-1 to -4 (2008).
- G. Martin and P. Bellon, “Radiation effects in concentrated alloys and compounds: equilibrium and kinetics of driven systems,” Comptes Rendus de Physique, Académie des Sciences, France, Vol. 9, pp. 323-334 (2008).
- N.Q. Vo, S. Odunuga, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback and A. Caro, “A quantitative description of plastic deformation in nano-crystalline Cu: dislocation glide versus grain boundary sliding,” Physical Review B., Vol. 77, pp. 134108 (1-9) (2008).
- “Nanoscale characterization of the transfer layer formed during dry sliding of Cu-15wt%Ni-8wt%Sn bronze alloy,” J. B.Singh, J.-G. Wen and P. Bellon, Acta Materialia, Vol. 56, pp. 3053-3064 (2008).
- A. Chatterjee, N. Kumar, J. R. Abelson, P. Bellon, and A. A. Polycarpou, “Nanoscratch and nanofriction behavior of hafnium diboride thin films,” Wear, Vol. 265, pp. 921-929 (2008).
- “Crossover from superdiffusive to diffusive mixing in plastically deformed solids,” P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, S. Odunuga, Y. Li, P. Krasnochtchekov, A. Caro, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 99, 110602-4 (2007).
- P. Krasnochtchekov, R. S. Averback, and P. Bellon, “Homogeneous phase separation in binary alloys under ion irradiation conditions: The role of interstitial atoms,” Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 75, 144107-10 (2007).
- P. Krasnochtchekov, R. S. Averback, and P. Bellon, “Precipitate stability and morphology in irradiation environments,” JOM, 46-50 (2007).
- J.B. Singh, W. Cai, and P. Bellon, “Dry Sliding of Cu – 15 wt% Ni – 8 wt% Sn Bronze: Wear Behaviour and Microstructures,” Wear, Vol. 263, 830-841 (2007).
- A. Chatterjee, S. Jayaraman, J. E. Gerbi, N. Kumar, J. R. Abelson, P. Bellon, A. A. Polycarpou, J. P. Chevalier, “Tribological behavior of hafnium diboride thin films,” Surf. Coat. Techno, Vol 201, pp. 4317-4322 (2006).
- S. Jayaraman, J. E. Gerbi, Y. Yang Y, D. Y. Kim, A. Chatterjee, P. Bellon, G. S. Girolami, J. P. Chevalier, J. R. Abelson, “HfB2 and Hf-B-N hard coatings by chemical vapor deposition,” Surf. Coat. Techno, Vol 200, pp. 6629-6633 (2006).
- Jia Ye and P. Bellon, "Nanoscale patterning of chemical order induced by displacement cascades in irradiated L10 alloys: A scaling analysis of the fluctuations of order," Physical Review B, Vol 73, pp. 224121-11 (2006).
- F. Wu, D. Isheim, P. Bellon, D. N. Seidman, “Nanocomposites stabilized by elevated temperature ball-milling of Ag50Cu50 powders: an atom probe tomographic study,” Acta Materialia, Vol 54, pp. 2605-2613 (2006).
- J.-M. Roussel, P. Bellon, "Interface sharpening and broadening during annealing of Cu/Ni multilayers: a kinetic Monte Carlo study," Physical Review B, Vol 73, pp. 085403 (2006)
- P. Krasnochtchekov, R. S. Averback, and P. Bellon, “Phase separation and dynamic patterning in Cu1−xCox films under ion irradiation,” Physical Review B, Vol 72, pp. 174102 (2005)
- K. Sastry, D. D. Johnson, D. E. Goldberg, and P. Bellon, "Genetic programming for multitimescale modeling," Physical Review B, Vol 72, pp. 085438(2005).
- "Forced chemical mixing in alloys driven by plastic deformation," S. Odunuga, Y. Li, P. Kraschnotchekov, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol 95, pp. 045901 (2005).
- K. Sastry, D. D. Johnson, D. E. Goldberg, and P. Bellon, "Genetic programming for multiscale modeling," Inter. J. Multiscale Comp. Eng., Vol 2, pp. 239-256 (2004).
- R. A. Enrique and P. Bellon, "Nonequilibrium fluctuations, effective temperature, and effective interactions driven by irradiation of alloys," Physical Review B, Vol 70, pp. 224106 (2004).
- Jia Ye and P. Bellon, "Nanoscale patterning of chemical order induced by displacement cascades in irradiated alloys. II. Analytical modeling," Physical Review B, Vol 70, pp. 094105 (2004).
- Jia Ye and P. Bellon, "Nanoscale patterning of chemical order induced by displacement cascades in irradiated alloys. I. A kinetic Monte Carlo study," Phys. Rev. B, 70, 094104 (2004).
- J. D. Hahn, Fang Wu, P. Bellon, " Cr-Mo solid solutions forced by high-energy ball milling," Metall. Mater. Trans. A, Vol 35, pp. 1105 (2004).
- P. Bhattacharya, P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, S. J. Hales, "Nanocrystalline TiAl powders synthesized by high-energy ball milling: effects of milling parameters on yield and contamination," J. Alloys and Compounds, Vol 368, pp. 187-196 (2004).
- P. Bellon, R. S. Averback, "Preface to viewpoint set on: materials under driving forces," Scripta Mater., Vol 49, pp. 921 (2003).
- J. Ye, Ji-wen Liu, R. Enrique, P. Bellon, " Compositional and order patterning in driven alloys: the role of external-forcing characteristic lengths," Scripta Mater., Vol 49, pp. 969 (2003).
- R. Enrique, K. Nordlund, R. S. Averback, P. Bellon, " Simulations of dynamical stabilization of Ag-Cu nanocomposites by ion-beam processing," J. Appl. Phys., Vol 93, pp. 2917 (2003).
- P. Bellon, G. Martin, "Coupled relaxation of concentration and order fields in the linear regime," Physical Review B, Vol 66, pp. 184208 (2002).
- S. Zghal, R. Twesten, F. Wu, P. Bellon, "Electron microscopy nanoscale characterization of ball-milled Cu-Ag powders. Part II: nanocomposites synthesized by elevated temperature milling or annealing," Acta Mater., Vol 50, pp. 4711 (2002).
- S. Zghal, M. J. Hÿtch, J.-P. Chevalier, R. Twesten, F. Wu, P. Bellon , "Electron microscopy nanoscale characterization of ball-milled Cu-Ag powders. Part I: Solid solution synthesized by cryo-milling," Acta Mater., Vol 50, pp. 4695 (2002).
- J. Liu, P. Bellon, "Patterning and ordering in driven alloys with coupled conserved and nonconserved order parameters," Physical Review B, Vol 66, pp. 020303(R) (2002).
- J.-M. Roussel, P. Bellon, " Self-diffusion and solute diffusion in alloys under irradiation: Influence of ballistic jumps," Physical Review B, Vol 65, pp. 144107 (2002).
- R. Enrique, F. Wu, P. Bellon, "A new approach for the direct synthesis of nanocomposite thin films by ion-beam processing," Surface Coatings and Technology, Vol 150, pp. 1 (2002).
- R. Enrique and P. Bellon, "Self-organized Cu-Ag nanocomposites synthesized by intermediate temperature ion-beam mixing," Applied Physics Letters, Vol 78, pp. 4178-4180 (2001).
- J.-M. Roussel, P. Bellon, "Vacancy-assisted phase separation with asymmetric atomic mobility: coarsening rates, precipitate compositions and morphologies," Physical Review B, Vol 63, pp. 184114 (2001).
- R. Enrique and P. Bellon, “Compositional patterning in immiscible alloys driven by irradiation,” Physical Review B, Vol 63, pp. 134111 (2001).
- Fang Wu, P. Bellon, T. Lusby and A. Melmed, “Forced mixing and nanoscale decomposition in ball-milled Cu-Ag characterized by APFIM,” Acta Materialia, Vol 49, pp. 453 (2001).
- D. Le Floc’h, P. Bellon and M. Athenes, “Slow coarsening of B2 ordered domains at low temperatures: a kinetic Monte Carlo study,” Physical Review B, Vol 62, pp. 3142 (2000).
- “Compositional patterning in systems driven by competing dynamics with different lengthscale,” R. Enrique and P. Bellon, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 84, 2885 (2000).
- M. Athenes, P. Bellon and G. Martin, “Effects of atomic mobilities on phase separation kinetics: a Monte-Carlo study,” Acta Materialia, Vol 48, pp. 2675 (2000).
Teaching Honors
- Stanley H. Pierce Faculty Award (2009)
- Multi-year Faculty Achievement Award (2007)
- Outstanding Advisors' List (2006)
- Collins Fellow Award (2000)
- Burnett Teaching Award (2000)
- GE Fellow Award (1999)
- GE Scholar Award (1998)
Research Honors
- NSF CAREER Award (1998)
Recent Courses Taught
- MSE 396 - Introduction to Research
- MSE 402 (MSE 501) - Kinetic Processes in Materials
- MSE 440 - Mechanical Behavior of Metals
- MSE 441 - Metals Processing
- MSE 443 - Design of Engineering Alloys
- MSE 458 (CHEM 482) - Polymer Physics