David Cahill elected to AAAS

4/19/2023 Emily Jankauski

David Cahill, the Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, has been elected to the 269-member 2023 class of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for his "excellence, innovation and leadership."

Written by Emily Jankauski

David Cahill
David Cahill

URBANA, Ill. — We’re home to leaders. David Cahill’s election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences is sheer proof.

The Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering is one of three Illinois scientists — including ECE’s Tamer BaÅŸar and Physics’ Vidya Madhavan — joining the nearly 270 inductees to the academy this year. The academy is one of the oldest honorary societies in the nation, recognizing scientists, artists, scholars and leaders who have distinguished themselves in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. They will be inducted at a ceremony in Cambridge on Sept. 30.

“The membership from the University of Illinois alone is an amazing group of leaders of their fields,” Cahill said. “I am honored to be listed among them.”

Cahill is widely known for his work on the scientific methods used to study the transport of heat in materials.

The scientific accomplishment he’s most proud of is establishing the scientific foundations of nanoscale thermal transport or the transport of heat on small scales of length and time.

“Election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences is a great honor and recognition of the work of all the extremely talented students and post-doctoral research associates that I have worked with over my career,” Cahill said. “I was surprised and extremely pleased that I was selected for this prestigious honor.”


Explore the Illinois News Bureau’s press release.

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This story was published April 19, 2023.