MatSE appreciates our Grad Students! Read more about them...


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In honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week, we bring you a few featured students each day. There are many more superstars, and we appreciate all of you!

Marley Dewey, Harley Lab

Marley's favorite material: BIOMATERIALS

Here's what Marley's current-self would tell her summer-before-entering-grad-school self: "Be ready to make mistakes and be open to learning new things! Mistakes are a part of the research experience and they happen to everyone. One of the best parts of a PhD is learning different techniques and subjects, and being open to collaborating and exploring subjects outside your comfort zone will expand on this."

In seven years, Marley sees herself working in the biotechnology research and development sector of industry or government.

Her greatest accomplishment? "I think my greatest accomplishment has been developing my soft skills, such as collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. I have developed these throughout my career as a grad student in seminars, classes, and my research lab. I believe these skills have been drastically improved from when I was an undergraduate, and without them I think the next stage of my career would be extremely challenging."

What Marley enjoys most about being a MatSE grad student: "I enjoy the sense of community. As a prospective student I was drawn to the friendship the other MatSE graduate students had with one another and that has continued during my time here as a student. The other MatSE faculty and students are always welcoming and friendly and I think that's hard to find in many other schools."













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This story was published October 26, 2020.