Andre Schleife

Andre Schleife
Andre Schleife he/him/his
Associate Professor
(217) 244-0339
408B Materials Science & Eng Bld

For More Information

Short Courses

  • 08/2019 Teacher and Organizer at "Summer School and Workshop on Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory", Rutgers, NJ
  • 06/2019 Two-week class on "First-principles Quantum Simulations" at Universidade Federal do ABC, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Research Statement

Materials are real-world realizations of quantum mechanics and a platform for novel states that emerge depending on relative coupling of charge, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom, and external excitations. My group ( uses advanced computation to understand and predict this intricate interplay for materials in electronic and energy applications and under extreme conditions. We study electronic excitations, triggered by interaction with electromagnetic and particle radiation, and subsequent femto-second relaxation processes. These are of high fundamental scientific interest, critically important for materials characterization, and determine efficiency of materials in electronic, optical, and photonic applications. We have extensive expertise with first-principles simulations, based on density func- tional, many-body perturbation, and time-dependent density functional theory, of hard materials, modern semiconductors, and nanomaterials. We also use this insight to advance the theoretical framework and its numerical implementation, positioning us well in an exciting and modern field.

Research Areas

Selected Articles in Journals

Service on Campus Committees

  • Education Director, Illinois MRSEC, 2023-current

Research Honors

  • 2023 Dean's Award for Excellence in Research (2/14/2023)

Public Service Honors

  • 2024 College award for Sustained Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2/27/2024)

Recent Courses Taught

  • CSE 498 DM (MSE 598 DM, MSE 598 DMO, ME 598 DM) - Intro to Digital Materials
  • MSE 304 - Electronic Properties of Matls
  • MSE 404 ELA - Modeling Elasticity
  • MSE 404 MAC - Computational MSE- Macroscale
  • MSE 404 MIC - Computational MSE- Microscale
  • MSE 598 ML (MSE 598 MLO) - Machine Learning for MatSE