Wenjuan Zhu
For More Information
- Ph.D., Electrical engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2003
- M.S. Electrical engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1999
Academic Positions
- 2020-present: Associate professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 2014-2020: Assistant professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 2008-2014: Research Staff member, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY,
- 2003-2008: Advisory Engineer/Scientist, IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center (SRDC)
Professional Highlights
- SRC Newsletter, 2022
- Nanotechweb.org highlights, "Band tail states appear in MoS2", 2014
- Nature photonics highlights, "Damping of plasmons in graphene", 2013
- IEEE spectrum highlights, "IBM demonstrates a competitive graphene infrared detector", 2013
- Nature Photonics highlights, "Graphene versus metal plasmons", 2013
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
We are currently recruiting undergraduate students for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants.
Research positions are available to highly motivated undergraduate students who have strong interests in nanoscale electronic and photonic devices and two-dimensional materials.
Research Interests
- Two-dimensional (2D) materials
- Ferroelectric Materials
- Nano-scale electronic and photonic devices
- Flexible electronics based on 2D materials
- Microelectronics
Selected Articles in Journals
- Zijing Zhao, Junzhe Kang, Ashwin Tunga, Hojoon Ryu, Ankit Shukla, Shaloo Rakheja, and Wenjuan Zhu, “Content-Addressable Memories and Transformable Logic Circuits Based on Ferroelectric Reconfigurable Transistors for In-Memory Computing”, ACS Nano, 18 (4), 2763 (2024)
- Hanwool Lee, Hojoon Ryu, Junzhe Kang and Wenjuan Zhu, "Stable High Temperature Operation of p-GaN Gate HEMT With Etch-stop Layer," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 45, no. 3, p. 312, (2024)
- Zijing Zhao, Shaloo Rakheja, Wenjuan Zhu, “Control-gate-free reconfigurable transistor based on 2D MoTe2 with asymmetric gating”. Appl. Phys. Lett., 124 (7) 073506, (2024)
- Wenjuan Zhu, and Xia Hong, “Getting two-dimensional materials ready for industrial manufacturing”, Nature Electronics, 6, 931–932 (2023)
- Stasiu T. Chyczewski, Ji Shi, Hanwool Lee, Paolo F. Furlanetto, Kai Xu, Arend M. van der Zande and Wenjuan Zhu, “Probing antiferromagnetism in exfoliated Fe3GeTe2 using magneto-transport measurements”, Nanoscale, 15, 14061-14067, (2023)
- Hojoon Ryu, Junzhe Kang, Minseong Park, Byungjoon Bae, Zijing Zhao, Shaloo Rakheja, Kyusang Lee, and Wenjuan Zhu, “Low-Thermal-Budget Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistors Based on CuInP2S6 and InZnO”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (46), 53671 (2023)
- Wenjuan Zhu, Xia Hong, Peide D. Ye, and Yi Gu, “2D Piezoelectrics, Pyroelectrics, and Ferroelectrics”, J. Appl. Phys. 133 (12), 120402, (2023)
- Hanwool Lee, Hojoon Ryu, Juezhe Kang and Wenjuan Zhu, "High Temperature Operation of E-Mode and D-Mode AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs With Recessed Gates", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, Vol. 11, p. 167, (2023)
- Ashwin Tunga, Zijing Zhao, Ankit Shukla, Wenjuan Zhu and Shaloo Rakheja, "Physics-Based Modeling and Validation of 2-D Schottky Barrier Field-Effect Transistors," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 70, no. 4, p. 2034, (2023)
- Junzhe Kang, Shaloo Rakheja, and Wenjuan Zhu, “Reconfigurable transistors based on van der Waals heterostructures”, MRS Advances (2023)
- Hanwool Lee, Hojoon Ryu, Wenjuan Zhu, "Thermally hardened AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs based on multilayer dielectrics and silicon nitride passivation", Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 112103 (2023)
- Junzhe Kang, Kai Xu, Hanwool Lee, Souvik Bhattacharya, Zijing Zhao, Zhiyu Wang, R. Mohan Sankaran, and Wenjuan Zhu , "High Ion/Ioff ratio 4H-SiC MISFETs with stable operation at 500 °C using SiO2/SiNx/Al2O3 gate stacks", Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 082906 (2023)
- Kai Xu, Zheng Hao, Hussain Alsalman, Junzhe Kang, Changqiang Chen, Zhiyu Wang, Zijing Zhao, Tony Low, and Wenjuan Zhu , "Spatially composition-graded monolayer tungsten selenium telluride", Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 231903 (2022)
- S. Das, A. Sebastian, E. Pop, C. J. McClellan, A. D. Franklin, T. Grasser, T. Knobloch, Y. Illarionov, A. V Penumatcha, J. Appenzeller, Z. Chen, W. Zhu, I. Asselberghs, L.-J. Li, U. E. Avci, N. Bhat, T. D. Anthopoulos, and R. Singh, “Transistors based on two-dimensional materials for future integrated circuits”, Nature Electronics, Vol. 4, p. 786, (2021)
- Zheng Hao, Kai Xu, Junzhe Kang, Changqiang Chen, Wenjuan Zhu, “Atomically thin telluride multiheterostructures: toward spatial modulation of bandgaps”, Nanoscale, Vol. 13, p. 19587, (2021)
- Zijing Zhao, Shaloo Rakheja, Wenjuan Zhu, “Nonvolatile Reconfigurable 2D Schottky Barrier Transistors”, Nano letters, Vol. 21, No. 21, p. 9318, (2021)
- J. Liu, H. Ryu and W. Zhu, "Nonconventional Analog Comparators Based on Graphene and Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 68, 1334, (2021).
- Zijing Zhao, Kai Xu, Hojoon Ryu, Wenjuan Zhu, "Strong Temperature Effect on the Ferroelectric Properties of CuInP2S6 and Its Heterostructures", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12, 46, 51820, (2020)
- Kai Xu, Ankit Sharma, Junzhe Kang, Xiaoqiao Hu, Zheng Hao and Wenjuan Zhu, "Heterogeneous Electronic and Photonic Devices Based on Monolayer Ternary Telluride Core/Shell Structures", Advanced Materials, 2002548 (2020)
- Kai Xu, Wei Jiang, Xueshi Gao, Zijing Zhao, Tony Low and Wenjuan Zhu, "Optical Control of Ferroelectric Switching and Multifunctional Devices Based on van der Waals Ferroelectric Semiconductors", Nanoscale, 12, 23488, 2020.
- Salvador Barraza-Lopez, Fengnian Xia, Wenjuan Zhu, and Han Wang, "Beyond Graphene: Low-Symmetry and Anisotropic 2D Materials", J. Appl. Phys. 128, 140401 (2020)
- Jaron A. Kropp, Ankit Sharma, Wenjuan Zhu, Can Ataca, and Theodosia Gougousi, "Surface Defect Engineering of MoS2 for Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2 Films", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 42, 48150, (2020)
- Hojoon Ryu, Kai Xu, Dawei Li, Xia Hong, and Wenjuan Zhu, "Empowering 2D nanoelectronics via ferroelectricity", Appl. Phys. Lett. (Invited Topical Review), 117, 080503, (2020)
- Kai Xu, Eric Wynne, and Wenjuan Zhu, "Resonant Tunneling and Negative Differential Resistance in Black Phosphorus Vertical Heterostructures", Advanced Electronic Materials, 2000318, (2020)
- Jialun Liu, Yujie Zhou, and Wenjuan Zhu, "Determining bandgap of black phosphorus using capacitance", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 116, Article number: 183103, (2020)
- Chia-Hao Lee, Abid Khan, Di Luo, Tatiane P. Santos, Chuqiao Shi, Blanka E. Janicek, Sangmin Kang, Wenjuan Zhu, Nahil A. Sobh, André Schleife, Bryan K. Clark, and Pinshane Y. Huang, "Deep Learning Enabled Strain Mapping of Single-Atom Defects in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with Sub-Picometer Precision", Nano Letters, Vol. 20, No. 5, p.3369 (2020)
- Kai Xu, Zijing Zhao, Xiaolin Wu and Wenjuan Zhu, "Van der Waals Metallic Alloy Contacts for Multifunctional Devices", 2D Materials, Vol.7, Article number: 025035, (2020)
- Hojoon Ryu, Haonan Wu, Fubo Rao, and Wenjuan Zhu*, "Ferroelectric Tunneling Junctions Based on Aluminum Oxide/ Zirconium-Doped Hafnium Oxide for Neuromorphic Computing", Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, Article number: 20383, (2019)
- Wenjuan Zhu, Tony Low, Han Wang, Peide Ye, Xiangfeng Duan, "Nanoscale electronic devices based on transition metal dichalcogenides", 2D Materials, Vol. 6, Article number: 032004, (2019)
- Hojoon Ryu, Kai Xu, Jinhong Kim, Sangmin Kang, Ji Guo, Wenjuan Zhu, "Exploring New Metal Electrodes for Ferroelectric Aluminum-Doped Hafnium Oxide", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 66, p.2359, (2019)
- Jaron A. Kropp, Yuhang Cai, Zihan Yao, Wenjuan Zhu, and Theodosia Gougousi, "Atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 and TiO2 on MoS2 surfaces", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, Vol. 36, Article number: 06A101, (2018)
- Yuhang Cai , Kai Xu and Wenjuan Zhu, "Synthesis of transition metal dichalcogenides and their heterostructures", Materials Research Express, Vol. 5, 095904, (2018)
- Jialun Liu, Yujie Zhou, and Wenjuan Zhu, “Dielectric-induced interface states in black phosphorus and tungsten diselenide capacitors”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 113, Article number: 013103, (2018)
- Zihan Yao, Jialun Liu, Kai Xu, Edmond K. C. Chow, and Wenjuan Zhu, "Material Synthesis and Device Aspects of Monolayer Tungsten Diselenide", Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, Article number: 5221, (2018)
- Kai Xu, Yuhang Cai, and Wenjuan Zhu, "Esaki Diodes Based on 2-D/3-D Heterojunctions", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 65, No. 10, p. 4155, (2018)
- W. C. Yap, H. Jiang, J. Liu, Q. Xia, W. J. Zhu, “Ferroelectric transistors with monolayer molybdenum disulfide and ultra-thin aluminum-doped hafnium oxide”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 111, Article number: 013103, (2017).
- Weijun Luo, Rui Yang, Jialun Liu, Yunlong Zhao, Wenjuan Zhu and Guangrui Xia, "Thermal sublimation: a scalable and controllable thinning method for the fabrication of few-layer black phosphorus", Nanotechnology, Volume 28, Number 28, Article number: 285301, (2017)
- Zhengfeng Yang, Roberto Grassi, Marcus Freitag, Yi-Hsien Lee, Tony Low, and Wenjuan Zhu, "Spatial/temporal photocurrent and electronic transport in monolayer molybdenum disulfide grown by chemical vapor deposition", Applied Physics Letters Vol. 108, Article number: 083104, (2016)
- Shang-Chun Lu, Mohamed Mohamed, and Wenjuan Zhu, “Novel vertical hetero- and homo-junction tunnel field-effect transistors based on multi-layer 2D crystals”, 2D Materials, Vol..3, Article number: 011010, (2016)
- Mehrshad Mehboudi, Benjamin M. Fregoso, Yurong Yang, Wenjuan Zhu, Arend van der Zande, Jaime Ferrer, L. Bellaiche, Pradeep Kumar, and Salvador Barraza-Lopez, "Structural Phase Transition and Material Properties of Few-Layer Monochalcogenides", Physical Review Review Letters, 117, 246802 (2016)
- Mehrshad Mehboudi, Alex M. Dorio, Wenjuan Zhu, Arend van der Zande, Hugh O. H. Churchill, Alejandro A. Pacheco-Sanjuan, Edmund O. Harriss, Pradeep Kumar, and Salvador Barraza-Lopez, "Two-Dimensional Disorder in Black Phosphorus and Monochalcogenide Monolayers", Nano Letters, Vol. 16, p 1704, (2016)
- Wenjuan Zhu, Tony Low, Yi-Hsien Lee, Han Wang, Damon B. Farmer, Jing Kong, Fengnian Xia and Phaedon Avouris, “Electronic transport and device prospects of monolayer molybdenum disulphide grown by chemical vapour deposition”, Nature Communications, Vol. 5, Article number: 3087, (2014)
- Marcus Freitag, Tony Low, Luis Martin-Moreno, Wenjuan Zhu, Francisco Guinea and Phaedon Avouris, “Substrate-Sensitive Mid-infrared Photoresponse in Graphene”, ACS Nano, Vol. 8, pp 8350–8356, (2014)
- Yilei Li, Hugen Yan, Damon B Farmer, Xiang Meng, Wenjuan Zhu, Richard M Osgood, Tony F Heinz, Phaedon Avouris, “Graphene plasmon enhanced vibrational sensing of surface-adsorbed layers”, Nano Letters, Vol.14, pp 1573–1577, (2014)
- Hugen Yan, Tony Low, Wenjuan Zhu, Yanqing Wu, Marcus Freitag, Xuesong Li, Francisco Guinea, Phaedon Avouris and Fengnian Xia, "Damping pathways of mid-infrared plasmons in graphene nanostructures", Nature Photonics, 7, pp.394–399, (2013)
- Wenjuan Zhu, Tony Low, Damon B. Farmer, Keith Jenkins, Bruce Ek, and Phaedon Avouris, “Effect of dual gate control on the alternating current performance of graphene radio frequency device”, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 044307 (2013)
- Marcus Freitag, Tony Low, Wenjuan Zhu, Hugen Yan, Fengnian Xia, Phaedon Avouris, "Photocurrent in graphene harnessed by tunable intrinsic plasmons", Nature Communications, Vol. 4, Article number:1951, (2013).
- Wenjuan Zhu, Damon Farmer, Keith Jenkins, Bruce Ek, Satoshi Oida, Xuesong Li, Jim Bucchignano, Simon Dawes, Elizabeth A. Duch, and Phaedon Avouris, “Graphene radio frequency devices on flexible substrate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 102, 233102 (2013)
- Wenjuan Zhu, Tony Low, Vasili Perebeinos, Ageeth A. Bol, Yu Zhu, Hugen Yan, Jerry Tersoff, Phaedon Avouris, “Structure and electronic transport in graphene wrinkles”, Nano Letters, Vol. 12, pp 3431–3436, (2012)
- Hugen Yan, Xuesong Li, Bhupesh Chandra, George Tulevski, Yanqing Wu, Marcus Freitag, Wenjuan Zhu, Phaedon Avouris, Fengnian Xia , “Tunable infrared plasmonic devices using graphene/insulator stacks”, Nature Nanotechnology 7, 330–334 (2012)
- Yanqing Wu, Damon B Farmer, Wenjuan Zhu, Shu-Jen Han, Christos D Dimitrakopoulos, Ageeth A Bol, Phaedon Avouris, Yu-Ming Lin, “Three-terminal graphene negative differential resistance devices”, ACS Nano, 6, pp 2610–2616, (2012)
- Hugen Yan, Zhiqiang Li, Xuesong Li, Wenjuan Zhu, Phaedon Avouris, Fengnian Xia, “Infrared spectroscopy of tunable dirac terahertz magneto-plasmons in graphene”, Nano Letters, 12, pp 3766–3771, (2012)
- Ching-Tzu Chen, Tony Low, Hsin-Ying Chiu and Wenjuan Zhu, “Graphene-Side-Gate Engineering”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 33, No.3, pp. 330, March 2012
- Yanqing Wu, Keith A Jenkins, Alberto Valdes-Garcia, Damon B Farmer, Yu Zhu, Ageeth A Bol, Christos Dimitrakopoulos, Wenjuan Zhu, Fengnian Xia, Phaedon Avouris, Yu-Ming Lin, “State-of-the-art graphene high-frequency electronics”, Nano Letters, 12, pp 3062–3067, (2012)
- Wenjuan Zhu, C. Dimitrakopoulos, M. Freitag and Ph. Avouris, “Layer Number Determination and Thickness-dependent Properties of Graphene Grown on SiC”, IEEE Transactions of nanotechnology, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp.1196, (2011).
- Hugen Yan, Fengnian Xia, Wenjuan Zhu, Marcus Freitag, Christos Dimitrakopoulos, Ageeth A. Bol, George Tulevski, and Phaedon Avouris, “Infrared Spectroscopy of Wafer-Scale Graphene”, ACS Nano, Vol. 5, No.12, pp 9854, (2011)
- Wenjuan Zhu, D. Neumayer, V. Perebeinos, and Ph. Avouris, “Silicon Nitride Gate Dielectrics and Band Gap Engineering in Graphene Layers”, Nano Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 3572, (2010).
- Y.-M. Lin, C. Dimitrakopoulos, D. B. Farmer, S-J. Han, Y. Wu, Wenjuan Zhu, D. K. Gaskill, J. L. Tedesco, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, Jr., Alfred Grill, and Ph. Avouris, “Multicarrier transport in epitaxial multilayer graphene”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, 112107, (2010).
- Wenjuan Zhu, V. Perebeinos, M. Freitag and Ph. Avouris, “Carrier scattering, mobilities, and electrostatic potential in monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer graphene”, Physics Review B, Vol. 80, 235402, (2009)
- W. J. Zhu and T.P. Ma, “Temperature dependence of channel mobility in HfO2-gated NMOSFETs”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 89- 91, (2004).
- W.J. Zhu, J.P. Han, and T.P. Ma, “Mobility Measurement and Degradation Mechanisms of MOSFETs MadeWith Ultrathin High-k Dielectrics”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 51, No.1, pp.98- 105, (2004).
- Y. Yang, W. J. Zhu, T.P Ma and S. Stemmer, “High-temperature phase stability of hafnium aluminate films for alternative gate dielectrics”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 95, No.7, pp.3772-3777, (2004)
- W.J. Zhu, T.P. Ma, T. Tamagawa, J. Kim and Y.Di, “Current Transport in Metal/Hafnium Oxide/Silicon Structure”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 23, No.2, pp.97-99, (2002).
- Min She Tsu-Jae King Chenming Hu Wenjuan Zhu, Zhijiong Luo Jin-Ping Han Tso-Ping Ma, “JVD silicon nitride as tunnel dielectric in p-channel flash memory”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 23, Issue: 2, pp. 91-93, (2002)
- W.J. Zhu, S. Zafar, T. Tamagawa, and T.P. Ma, “Charge trapping in ultra-thin hafnium oxide”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 23, No.10, pp.597-599, (2002).
- W.J. Zhu, T. Tamagawa, M. Gibson, T. Furukawa and T.P. Ma, “Effect of Al inclusion in HfO2 on the physical and electrical properties of the dielectrics”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 23, No.11, pp. 649- 651, (2002).
- Wenjuan Zhu, Jialun Liu, Kai Xu, Zijing Zhao “Transistors with switchable polarity and non-volatile configurations” U.S. Patent No. US11527648B2, granted Dec. 13th, 2022
- Wenjuan Zhu, Jialun Liu, Hojoon Ryu, “Classifier circuits with graphene transistors” U.S. Patent No. US11239320, granted Feb. 1st, 2022
- Wenjuan Zhu, Shang-Chun Lu, and Mohamed Mohamed, "Vertical hetero- and homo-junction tunnel field-effect transistors", U.S. Patent 10236386, filed December 15, 2017, granted March 19, 2019
- Hongbo Peng, Gustavo A. Stolovitzky, Wenjuan Zhu, "Graphene transistor gated by charges through a nanopore for bio-molecular sensing and DNA sequencing", US 9,758,822 B2, granted in Sep.12, 2017
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Heterojunction Nanopore for sequencing”, Patent No.: US 9,377,431 B2, granted in Jun. 28, 2016
- Christos D. Dimitrakopoulos, Damon B. Farmer, Alfred Grill, Yu-Ming Lin, Deborah A. Neumayer, Dirk Pfeiffer, Wenjuan Zhu, “Bilayer gate dielectric with low equivalent oxide thickness for graphene devices”, U.S. Patent US 8,680,511 B2, granted in Mar 25, 2014
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Graphene-based efuse device” (method), U.S. Patent US 8,735,242 B2, granted in May 27, 2014
- Wenjuan Zhu, Yanqing Wu, Phaedon Avouris, “Graphene Devices and Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors in 3D Hybrid Integrated Circuits”, U.S. Patent US 8,748,871 B2, granted in Jun 10, 2014
- Wenjuan Zhu, Yanqing Wu, Jin Cai, “Graphene pressure sensors”, U.S. Patent US 8852985 B2, granted in Oct. 7, 2014
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Graphene-based efuse device”, U.S. Patent 8,598,634 B1, granted in Dec. 3, 2013.
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Graphene-based non-volatile memory” (method), U.S. Patent 8,557,686 B1, granted in Oct. 15,2013
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Nano-devices formed with suspended graphene membrane” (method), U.S. Patent US8569089B2, granted in Oct. 29, 2013.
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Graphene-based non-volatile memory” (structure), U.S. Patent US8519450 B1, granted in Aug. 27, 2013.
- Wenjuan Zhu, Deborah A Neumayer, Phaedon Avouris, “Nitride gate dielectric for graphene MOSFET”, U.S. Patent US 8,530,886 B2, granted in September 10, 2013
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Nano-devices formed with suspended graphene membrane” (structure), U.S. Patent US8564027B2, granted in Oct. 22, 2013
- Wenjuan Zhu, “Structure and method of forming buried-channel graphene field effect device”, U.S. Patent US8101474B2, granted in January 24, 2012
- Huilong Zhu, Wenjuan Zhu, Zhijiong Luo, “Forming silicided gate and contacts from polysilicon germanium and structure formed”, U.S. Patent US7718513 B2, granted in May 18, 2010
- Huilong Zhu, Mahender Kumar, Dan M. Mocuta, Ravikumar Ramachandran, Wenjuan Zhu, “Structure and method for manufacturing device with ultra-thin SOI at the tip of a V-shape channel”, U.S. Patent 7528027 B1, granted in May 5, 2009
- Huilong Zhu, Ravikumar Ramachandran, Effendi Leobandung, Mahender Kumar, Wenjuan Zhu, Christine Norris, “Field effect device including inverted V shaped channel re-gion and method for fabrication thereof”, U.S. Patent US7485510B2, granted in February 3, 2009
- Wenjuan Zhu, Michael P. Chudzik, Oleg Gluschenkov, Dae-Gyu Park, Akihisa Sekiguchi, “Semiconductor structure”, China Patent CN100550422C, granted in October 14, 2009
- Wenjuan Zhu, Michael P. Chudzik, Oleg Gluschenkov, Dae-Gyu Park, Akihisa Sekiguchi, “Method of forming an ultra-thin HfSiO metal silicate film for high performance CMOS applications and semiconductor structure formed in said method”, U.S. Patent 7504700 B2, granted in March 17, 2009
Conferences Organized or Chaired
- General chair for 52th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2021
- Technical chair and executive committee for 51th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2020
- Technical program committee for International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2019
- Technical program committee for 77th Device Research Conference, 2019
- Arrangement chair and executive committee for 50th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2019;
- Technical program committee and session chair for 76th Device Research Conference, 2018;
- Technical program committee for 49th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2018
- Technical program committee and session chair for International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2018;
- Technical program committee and session chair for 18th Canadian Semiconductor Science & Technology Conference, 2017
- Technical program committee for 48th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2017
- Technical program committee and session chair for 47th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2016
- Session chair for America Physical Society (APS) meeting, 2016;
- Session chair for 46th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2015;
- Organizer and session chair for America Physical Society (APS) meeting, 2015;
- Session chair for 46th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2015;
- Organizing committee and session chair for SPIE Optics + Photonics meeting, 2015;
- Organizing committee members for 13th annual nanotechnology workshop, 2015;
- Organizing committee member for OSA Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) meeting, 2015.
- Session chair for America Physical Society (APS) meeting, 2014;
- AMD Jerry Sanders Faculty Scholar in Electrical and Computer Engineering Award (2023)
- DARPA Young Faculty Award (2020)
- IBM Faculty Award (2018)
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2017)
- IBM Research's 2014 Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award (2014)
- Invention Achieved High Value Award at IBM (2013)
- Outstanding Technical Achievement Award at IBM (2008)
- Bravo Awards at IBM (2007)
- Bravo Awards at IBM (2006)
- Invention Achievement Awards at IBM (2005-2013)
- Henry Prentiss Becton Graduate Prize for exceptional achievement in research in Engineering and Applied Science at Yale University (2003)
- IEEE SISC Ed Nicollican Award for Best Student Paper (2002)
Teaching Honors
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students -ECE 538 2D Material Electronics and Photonics (2023)
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students -ECE 598 2D Material Electronics and Photonics (2019)
Recent Courses Taught
- ECE 340 - Semiconductor Electronics
- ECE 441 - Physcs & Modeling Semicond Dev
- ECE 538 (ECE 598 WZ) - 2D Material Electr & Photonics